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The 12 best psychic way to get rid of social shyness permanently.. Start applying it and you'll notice the difference

12 Psychic Way to get rid of social shyness permanently..

Social phobia, or shyness, is one of the characteristics of a large segment of individuals, and the severity of that varies from one individual to another, according to many determinants and factors, and from the disadvantage of phobias that the individual involves himself, and everyone retires.

The 12 best psychic way to get rid of social shyness permanently.. Start applying it and you'll notice the difference

Psychologists say that social phobia or shyness results from the large number of individual thinking in which mistakes can be made in some situations, and most of the sufferers feel weary and troubled by the least, and the most prominent guidelines that have been separated by psychologists, in order to eliminate social phobia:

1. One must realize that shyness is natural, and it is only in rare cases that the attention and scrutiny of others is considered.

2-Ambiguity is one of the elements that can attract others to you, so do not explain all things very clearly, and leave a chance to hide some of them; many people would like to know the people who do it, which is a good way to identify new friends.

3. It is possible to use the Internet to communicate with others and to make new friendships of both sexes, and this will result in the individual talking about himself in every generosity, and it is possible over time that this knowledge takes advanced stages and expresses itself to them in a personal capacity.

4. One must think when friends choose, and psychological comfort plays an important role in this, as well as the behaviours of the friends themselves, and then access to the right people.

5-It is important to share with others in orientations and ideas, so that your happiness can look at what others are saying, and even if it seems to you to be unimportant, and through that they can share the words.

6. The individual must express himself freely, which enhances confidence, and it is also important that the human being is trained to accept or reject things with courage.

7. One of the causes of phobias is the negative thinking of the past or the future, and it should not be left in the kidneys; for the past, the individual must take the lesson, and for the future, he should work hard, and the result in the end is in the hands of the Lord, the Almighty.

8. The human person should return to the fact that shyness is one of the emotions and feelings, and then accept it and live with it, and it is possible to test the person himself, see the ratio of shyness in a particular situation, and then monitor it as it gradually ends.

9. Smile is an effective weapon in the event of a person being stutter in information or speaking in general, and this is the secret of the courage of many individuals, as it avoids disorder.

10. Shyness can be avoided in the event of an ingot understanding of the surroundings by the person, who convinces himself that those who surround him do not understand the subject, he is the only one who is familiar with it, and therefore he is right, and does not call that shame.

11-Forgetting is a blessing from the blessings of Allah Almighty on human beings, and man must learn how to forget the negatives that have gone through, so as not to take things larger than their size.

12. Identify all groups within the community in order to understand emotions and raise awareness, and this can be achieved through events where many individuals are present.

13. The individuals treatment of be ash am ed of can take place progressively, by further involving himself in situations where the disorder senses, and thus will be used without boredom and fear at a future stage.

"It is possible to avoid social phobia or shyness through the following:" said Professor Philip Sympathy, who works at Stanford University as a psychology expert.

1. A person can think of one of the situations in which he or she felt ashamed or social phobia, how he was weak, thinking whether he was brave at the time, how he acted then, and if that method was followed for a while, the individual would notice a significant difference and a positive change.

2. In the case of a person feeling a negative internal sentiment in relation to a particular matter, it is possible to write it on a special agenda, or record it in a tape, and then listen to it, which is a meaningful way and relieve the human being when wanting to express himself.

3. When there are human weaknesses, it is possible to write them, and on the other side of the writing, the opposite is recorded, such as:

I am afraid when I sleep.... I don't hymning, I'm not afraid when I sleep.

Escape from Friends.... I love getting to know people.

Once this is done, the individual thinks that he has positive behaviors, not negativity.