Reviews in the Flat Earth theme (Part II)
I was old, I say, in the moon, but after thinking about it, I found no evidence of that, what we see is a side of the moon that is slightly over half a ball (assuming its cruet) and this is clear from the parties that we see during the movement of the Moon the odds of all times and from all observation points from the ground (see picture)
Flat Earth Theme
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So what we're seeing suggests that the moon is a hunchback, not a ball, of course. The rest of the hypotheses are respectable as spherical and the concave moon is a somewhat bizarre and logical hypothesis! But the initial view is likely to be a hump away tablet.
At the beginning of my mind I was quoted against the spherical by the appearance of Venus before Sunrise and after sunset 3 hours or slightly more, unfortunately this is not true and does not violate their vision, their model is carefully studied mathematically beyond imagination, why in your opinion throughout history they always change the numbers of crime dimensions and geometric measurements Sizes, blocks and endless processes of cutting, pasting, adjusting and patching until it's settled on what it is now? Because they are always trying to avoid loopholes and to reconcile their model with the phenomena of life, it is a geometric mathematical construction that has been done by thousands of mathematicians and engineers over hundreds of years and it is not easy to discover a gap in their model it is mathematically accurate to the furthest extent and may reach 95% or increase, but is completely failing physically and opposes Religion completely, that is, in terms of religion, they got 0%, and in terms of physics and their experimental laws, their model also took 0%. In terms of mathematical construction and its consent to the phenomena, it took 95% at the very least and their model is mathematically correct but it has nothing to do with the real reality, the scrutiny should be exaggerated While contemplating their model so that we do not make mistakes like this (see the illustrations), after the experiment I knew that most of the criticism of the mathematical construction of the chromatic is only a result of a misunderstanding, this talk is known by some of the good old people and I know their opinions about them but they are often reluctant to declare either I don't care and I'm used to The abuse of some of the two flats more than the ball, someone accuses me of being a football infiltrator and another ordinary expiate me.I confirm that I was previously saying some of these fallacies as a result of rushing and misunderstanding and mixing emotion with the mind, but we are supposed to become more mature over time and calm down and stick to the rule of reason only, remember I was watching some of the flats affirm the power of the spherical model and I used to disapprove their words! Now, I got rid of that unjustified impulse, thought of Troy, understood their purpose well, and fraternal advice: reconsider by rejecting the possibility of a shadow moving from the west to the east during the eclipse with their model.
As I observe some brothers and they deny the spherical of all planets, the argument of our uncertainty of the spherical planet because we did not go behind it is a weak argument enough to monitor it and will be observed rotation around itself, but not all planets one basket but each planet separately, the planets differ from each other not with crusts but the same substance, we find mercury and Venus violates everyone, they have no disciples! And they disagree with everyone, they have phases and houses! It should be ensured that they are spherical or have two humpbacks (such as the initial sighting of the moon) and that the chapter is for the monitoring people, and the rest of the planets are likely to be first cruet because they are very different from Mercury and Venus (what I just mentioned) and at least some of them are shown to rotate like the buyer I mean, it's the same thing as the sun. It is spherical with a guide to the rotation of solar spots it is evidence of the spherical criminality (see image)
I always renounce fanaticism and hate it so that some of us insist on their opinions despite proving their mistake, like the transparent moon once in another group I saw an amateur astronomer has a telescope and attacks his flat words because he saw many of them say the transparency of the moon while confirming his personal monitoring of the criminal invisibility behind him! "These people are known for being ignorant and far from the scientific approach, so how do they want me to believe them and deny what my eyes see? I cannot describe the sadness that I felt when I read his words. Indeed, the words of some of the flats are pushing many away from the reality of the flat land because they did not adhere to the scientific method and insist on arguing wrongly, just as some of them denied simple, known and proven astronomical phenomena such as the phenomena of crossing the planet Venus and Mercury in front The sun and their invisibility behind it! Come on brothers What is strange about the phenomena of crossing and invisibility so that you deny it in a sentence and in details! And do you realize that you are involved in the demolition of the flat floor with the mind of everyone reading your comments for what is proven for sure?! What about astronomical organizations that provide telescopes in public squares that invite people to participate in monitoring the phenomena of invisibility and transit, are all these liars too and will they invite people to monitor to expose their lies and betray themselves?!!! Perhaps the deniers are motivated by fanaticism against the spherical so they stand on the far right and deny everything forgetting that these phenomena are realistic, or they may deny it because they believe that planets and celestial bodies are just lights, as some Westerners say, and this is scientifically false by monitoring and phenomena of transit and invisibility, as it is religiously false And I mentioned it in one of the topics the sky is real objects that will fall on the ground with the horrors of the day of resurrection, I don't say it looks like Earth. But it has what God knows about, I don't forget thanking the brothers who confessed the lack of transparency of the moon but they confessed the truth they have a thousand greeting and waiting the rest with that word The courage
Astronomical calculations:
Some of the flats when you mention some astronomical calculations (temporal) regarding any phenomenon that you find denounce and anger and attack rejecting these accounts and their results, there is no power but from God I mean do you think NASA and the space agencies are so stupid to give us the wrong calculations and tell me that the moon will be lost in Amman tonight at So he got out and he was surprised by sunset after the time they mentioned half an hour! Oh guys for god sake all the calculations and the time numbers they give are all true million percent, they're not that stupid, which makes them visit in time, and the astronomers or any ordinary people find their mistake and lie easily, especially with the development of technology now! Even their model is built mainly on the reality of Flatland. When they tell you that Mars is closer to the Earth than the buyer, I know for sure that its height from the flat ground is less than the buyer's height, and so...
The Six Lands:
Some of us circulate imaginary images of the earth and around it ice and around it lands and continents, surrounded by ice, and so on... (See photo) I think that these lands are the six lands mentioned in Islam, but this is a huge mistake that should not be said to the public that the six people beneath us between every land and land is as far as every sky and sky
Sun and Daylight:
Most of the speakers say that the day is not the result of the sun (and I was) but the difference is that I would be more likely to be cautious and to watch my previous comments every time the topic is raised I will be more conservative so I do not know anything because of the existence of adverse evidence, but many of the flats are rushing behind any idea just to contradict They adopt them with no regard for supporting and opposing evidence and do not consider this balance! I confess that I made a mistake with my Tadd for that idea even if it is a matter of weighting but the right is the reason of the sun for the day and its dependence for the following reasons:
1. The starting point is that the sun is the cause of the day, and this preliminary conclusion can only be transformed by the existence of conclusive evidence that the sun is not causal to the day and this will never happen, so there is strong evidence of the sun's causal and production of the day.
2-I found that there is a lot of confusion for me and for the brothers who have this idea, we thought that saying the reason of the sun for the day would make it unimportant or lessen the maximum, and this contradicts the repeated mention of the Curran! No, all that is caused by a creature is not trivial, make a specific reaction, which will result in the release of a certain amount of light and heat. Is this light and that heat is not important, some of the reactions are the most important expected results and required as the first goal is the amount of heat and light resulting from them! That's the idea. If the sun is the source of the day, it does not oppose the fact that the day is created as a whole God's creation all we see now is a creature, and if it is caused, it does not mean diminishing the importance of the day (as the result of an interactive process between sunlight, airspace and other factors) so that clairvoyance may approach understanding It in the Curran is a great and very important and its importance does not mean that it is not caused by the sun.
3-In total eclipse the atmosphere is completely dark and the daylight disappears to the point of showing some stars! This means that the sun is the cause and its positional blocking is still daylight, and even the light blue or brown that precedes the sun sunrise or followed by sunset we do not see it above us during the eclipse but in the darkness, which means that it is the reason for appearing after dawn as it approaches us and not independent from it.
Just as the brothers of the Sun show a black spot in the middle or another crime next to it and the moon as well as their images of the existence of these imaginary objects! Do you and I see this in reality and did he monitor the amateur of astronomy around the world but did he monitor it from the owners of the cameras and telescopes that did not happen one day and then the person jumps to come with what not everyone and like him many of the MEDLEYS in the ranks of the West. We cite fragile fallacies that are easy to break while leaving the obvious cause of the ball to be violated, and their violation is the overriding goal of many, instead of searching for and saying the truth! If the devil said a word he believed in her lie because he is saying or clinging to her self regardless of the saying?
Do not say the opinion and it is the right judgment if it comes from minus.
Aldo is the dearest thing that he buys what is worth the underwater.
If we get the explanations, that's good, and if we don't get it, we stick to our Lord to think about his creation. I realize that searching the verses of the sky is difficult, we cannot reach it to see it as we do here on Earth so the results will not be as accurate as the laboratory labs, but this is not a justification for the symptoms to think about it and try to approach the cause of the phenomenon, even scientific interpretations of what we are on earth In fact, it remains incomplete because our ability and our senses are limited so if God reveals the veil we will see the strange things! But we're looking at the queens that God gave us an obligation to do with science and thought.
We invite you to view the first part of the reviews in the theme of the Flat Earth (Part I)
We invite you to view the first part of the reviews in the theme of the Flat Earth (Part I)