8 Helpful tips for getting rid of neck pain permanently
The magazine "Fronde" mentioned some helpful tips for relaxing the muscles of the neck and getting rid of pain, which many people suffer, and whose causes vary between bad sleep, stress and wrong position.
Correct the position of your body in 8 steps and finally get rid of neck pain.
1 : Active seating :
Prolonged seating in the same position causes the curvature of the back, so it is necessary to extend the chin forward, rotate the neck vertebrae, or place a spherical pad on the seat behind the head.
2 : Comfortable sleep :
When you feel the pain of the neck as soon as you wake up, the sleeping posture is responsible for it, and in such cases the neck cushion that supports the natural curvature of the spine can be used, and the sleeping posture should not be altered by sleeping on the abdomen, where the nerves and blood vessels are under constant pressure, and may be It is helpful when sleeping on one side to use the bed quality that is at the shoulder area.
3 : Use of Chinese needles :
Acupuncture showed good results in many cases of neck pain, which is one of the known methods of Chinese medicine, and these needles return the energies that are stalled to run again in three or five sessions.
4 : Treatment by pressure:
Treatment by pressure and have it on the two dots between the muscles of the neck, right and left of the neck vertebrae and slightly above the hair line, so for a minute, this method is initiated gently, after which the pressure strength is gradually increased, taking into account that the fingers of the hand are warm.
5 : Exercises :
Shoulder and neck exercises help prevent and relieve acute pain by sitting in a straight position on the chair, and the knee forms a right angle, then the head is slowly rotated to the left and stays in this position for eight seconds, then to the left for another eight seconds, repeating this five times T.
6 : Going to the dentist :
The right doctor may be the dentist when the cause of neck pain is the squeak of teeth, crooked teeth, incorrect crowns, and the improperly formed dentures.
7 : Heating by thermal Tape :
To radiate warmth to this area for a period extending to hours, but should be away from heat if the pain is caused by an infection such as meningitis.
8 : Massage :
Volatile oils help relieve neck pain, promote blood circulation and relax; five drops of rosemary oil can be used to mix with jojoba oil and rub the neck, or two drops of mint oil on the pain spots.
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