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What do you do if your boss turns your life into hell?

What do you do if your boss turns your life into hell?

What do you do if your boss turns your life into hell?

You can't choose your manager, but you can choose your reaction to a bad Director. How to handle the situation delicately.

Happens to the best of us to start working on a new job to find that our Director is not perfect. You may be a Manager checks in both small and large or a visionary, but he lacks the ability to complete the work, or a Manager likes to get all the credit for the good work done by his team, or bad communication, or no communication or a Manager is absent, and the list goes on.

What could be considered a worst case scenario, your boss may not like you or doesn't like the way you're doing your job, no matter how hard I try, it reminds you of that always. Yes, I know that the manager who's trying to catch you «is not just a myth or an exaggeration, it is a fact that exists in our world today, because I saw myself this type of managers in the business environment. Staff called me crying because ill their managers and immature behavior, doing their best to make things go and ask for advice about what they can do. That's what made me not surprised that a comparative study over 5 years by Lynn Taylor Foundation consulting, found that 7 out of 10, or 69% of Americans participating in the study, agree that there is a considerable resemblance between children obtaining powers and managers with broad powers.

Many managers have the awareness of the fact that they need to develop themselves. According to an article published on the site, 64% of managers who rented them DDI Corporation for consultancy study recognized the need for better management skills. However, equity managers, they are always busy working on them, and they feel pressure as well as under the stress of wanting to achieve numbers, a lot of goals, and many others. Add to that the many bodies upgrade managers for the wrong reasons — being good at your job at the diagram or the Executive means you're a Manager or a good leader to lack training in management and leadership.

And no matter what makes your boss isn't perfect, you need to decide how best to work with him or her, especially if he was leaving your current job isn't an option (this is the case of many). And from my experiences in dealing with many types of abusive managers and bad ones, offer you the following set of tips that let you manage your manager to help you assess your situation and get the help you need to be productive and maintain your mental health at the same time.

Values of the situation objectively:

It can be difficult to look in the mirror, but take a look and determine if there are some things on your side of the table you can work on them which will improve the relationship between you and your manager. Try to be more efficient, be your projects on time, etc. We know of course that we were sloppy at work. At the same time, can operate at full energy and remain insufficient, so take a deep breath and keep reading.

Understanding of the problems of your manager and his style of communication:

The more I learned about emotional intelligence «and how to deal better with others, the better placed you in tough situations, like to have a boss ungainly. Record notes about how your boss, try to cross the separation barrier between you regarding work and the way we communicate. Doing so will make your life much easier. Emotional Intelligence author gives Travis Bradbury 2.0 for some useful tips on the different types of bad managers, and how to deal with them in an article entitled «how successful bad managers defeated» «How Successful People Conquer Bad Bosses.»

Write down everything:

If your problems with your supervisor regarding the achievements and unfinished business achievement or not on time, be sure to keep a written record in detail about everything related to your job, from what to his time and the target person, down to the reasons that disrupt the project or task. You can also arrange a meeting of five minutes or more and place it in your daily schedule to discuss what has been done and make sure you understand your boss's priorities on current tasks list. Sort of makes this team, and it makes your boss abreast of the workflow. Advised one of the employees to try that way, helped improve their psychology and dragged a log to prove if her manager action because of a perceived problem, such as accusing Miss handover work while she didn't miss it.

Don't waste your energy on thinking bad Manager:

I was lucky being met some wonderful directors during my career. But at least once had a Manager is difficult to work with. You waste a lot of effort into thinking about how it made me depressed, what can I do about it, what made me waste my effort on the things I can't control. If you find that you're usually upset or think about your boss, you pay yourself pounds every time you do that and keep the money for the time needed. This trick will help you to understand the amount of time consumed by thinking about your manager, which can be exploited commercially productive and enjoyable. This also will help you transform your thoughts about each time thinking or, so I don't think is consuming you.

Know if it doesn't get better, it's not your fault:

At the end of the say, some relationships don't go well. It needs two to tango to succeed, you need to undo just one person to fail. Do the best you can do and concentrate on your work even better scenario appears.

Take the right road:

Choose to act like an adult, even if he does your boss, don't talk about him or her, and do not slander him or slander her. It wouldn't work in repair mode. If you need to speak with someone in the body of your work disrupts or negatively affected because of your problems with your boss, do it professionally and Sage.

Spoke with someone from the human resources department:

That would be acting very realistic if your manager's behavior disturbing or makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable. Human resources specialist will be able to provide advice on how to deal with the problem and try to solve it in the best way.

Might help you to talk with your supervisor or manager who is in a higher position:

That would be an accurate position, I know. You'll need a lot of wisdom to choose the right time to take such action and to understand whether it will backfire on you negatively or not. Most of the staff I spoke to found it more convenient to go to a specialist in human resources first. Also, in case if you choose this method, you will have to make a way «I am having some difficulties with so and looking for some guidance or suggestions that can help improve the situation» instead of pointing fingers saying: «wrong managers and ungainly, and makes my life miserable.

Turn to a professional coach or personal or private tutor:

Can help you talk to your supervisor or to a career coach to express your discontent, meanwhile, you can get advice or guidance from him on how to deal with your boss that you your career. Someone outside the situation might be able to give you the perspective make you able to deal with that scenario better or even see it from a different perspective. You can search online for professional trainers until you find a professionally trained or entirely locally, you can also find instructors who give telephone sessions.

Look at the situation as an opportunity to learn:

Look at the glass half full in your situation with bad Director is, in fact, a lesson you can learn from him what you must do to your colleagues or your staff if someday become a supervisor or Manager.

Sometimes, we can't choose our managers, but we can always choose to react to difficult situations in our lives. Getting involved in dealing with the bad manager not fun, but the mental and act right, you can go to be able to move to a better environment.

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