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11 place in the world under the domination of animals

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Did you know that animal control is one of the ten place on the world?.

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

You think just because you live among millions of people that these humans alone who controls this world, but what if you entered the animal kingdom and wandered between them there where small numbers of people, and undoubtedly will, then that world is doomed to change by human, but For every living thing.

As of this very moment there are some places that are still under the rule of the animals, which can be human-to live among the animals peaceful and without problems, to give a set of parts prohibited with regard to man and that as a result of having wild animals and are to live with it.

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11 place in the world under the control of the animals

1· Monkey Island – Liberia:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Keep that island in Monrovia, Liberia and includes over 60 chimp common in areas of the island, has been previously for that type of material tests in the Liberia Institute of Biomedical Research, where that knowledge for making vaccines for diseases was”Hepatitis”, that during the seventies of the last century, but that will not be easy to roam around this island only if you're responsible for one of its beaches.

2. Stingray City – the Cayman Islands:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

These include the city, a series of sand shoals, which is located in the north of the Cayman Islands, it is considered that decision one of the most important places that visitors can wear in the water and enjoy seeing fishes, stingrays.

3· Rabbit Island – Japan:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

The island of rabbits, that lies beside the island of the sea of Japan in the city of “the” province of Hiroshima prefecture, and they call him also the name of a “concern”, and that the city centre is an essential source of toxic gases in Japan and that during the Second World War, following the conclusion of this war, they end the life of the rabbits that were used in experiments in the manufacture of chemical weapons at the time, where the rabbits surviving to snatch the island now known as“Rabbit Island”.

4· Seal Island in South Africa:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

It is a rocky island located next to the clock in South Africa, and inhabited by almost 60,000 seals with fur, and you can also insight great numbers of penguins and cormorants, as well as dolphins and two sharks violent.

5· Snake Island – Brazil:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Should those who believe that snakes are nice animals, we have the context straight to Snake Island in Brazil and visit, and the island of “Isla Queimada Grande” next to the coast of Brazil, and just next to the city of “São Paulo”, as the island is full of snakes, the deadly builds in a different thread, this is equivalent to 1-5 snake per square meter, as is a snake “pit” one of the most dangerous snakes in this island, you won't even think about going back to there again.

6· The village of the Foxes – Japan:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

The village of the Foxes (Zao Fox Islan) in Miyagi Prefecture in Japan, which embraces the village of six forms of foxes, which pass the 100 Fox to some extent, has been made available to you visit this village, roaming in the area and feed the Foxes pets available there.

7· The island cats – Japan:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Is island sector of the islands the tiny kind, it is located in the state of “Ishinomaki” and meet the island of “other” in the Pacific, the island will also offer a sizable collection of the population, but the numbers of cats will be times those of the population. Where a sector to impose its hegemony on the island which became prohibited on all other animals, is also famous for the island's health and tourism.

8· The island state – Maryland – USA:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Stationed wild horses “horses to water” in the island state that is fighting the former from the east of the peninsula the Delmarva coming in Maryland, Virginia, America, as you visit this island and enjoy watching the horses in the career day of the year.

9· Beach pigs – Bahamas:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

There's this beach on the island ruled by the pigs at all, as it is placed in Atlantic Ocean north of Cuba. No one knows of how to choose the subject pigs to this island, some individuals say they are terrified of another island, and some other she has branched out and expanded on the island in the aftermath of the dive steamer.

10· Island King Penguin – Australia:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

Stationed king penguins at Macquarie Island, and that island in the southwest Pacific, where the encounter between New Zealand and Antarctica, and if you want to see the largest number possible of these penguins ownership, then you should visit the Bay of Lusitania overlooking the coast of the island of the people.

11· Crab Island – Christmas Island:

11 place in the world under the domination of animals

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No longer Christmas Island slim significantly, they are able to accommodate approximately 40 to 50 million lobster red, the memory of which you write in each square meters of soil there, and inside cracks deep, which are placed in rocky outcrops, where the Crab Island “Christmas Island” on the continent of Australia, as you can see all of these great numbers of the red crab, especially during the rainy season in the month of October-November which is the season for the crabs.