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12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

The longer the more member states that require energy where it is consumed close to 20% of the calories that enter the body, according to studies, there are 13 usually cause serious problems for the brain and its functions doesn't even work properly, we'll get to that weather, together with the cross,...

12 bad habit of destroying the brain and its functions

1. The use of mobile phones

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

The exposure to electromagnetic fields and a certain level of radiation for a long time causes considerable damage in the brain and this is based on studies, it was therefore necessary to reduce the duration of use of the phone weaning.

2. Coverage of the brain pillow when you sleep

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

When many people have a bad habit of causing blocking oxygen from reaching the brain as well which cover the brain with a pillow during sleep, especially with a long time where the reason you had a headache lasting.

3. The workpiece during infection

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

When you get sick of the human immune system works to resist disease as best as he could, going to the workpiece with the disease makes it vulnerable to infection in its various forms and this causes obstruction in the work of the brain, so need not to go out of the house during the stage of the disease and giving the body the necessary sleep even suffer.

4. Not acquisition enough hours of sleep.

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

I said, hibernate does not give sleep enough the brain and the persistence of this situation leads to the stimulation of the cells of the head on the end of it faster, it also be the reason for the weakening of the possibilities of the mind and affects working memory.

5. Surrender to the King isolation

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Isolation and lack of stimulation of the brain to connect with friends and engage in the community in the identification of people Modern cause brain damage.

6. Not eating breakfast

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Breakfast is vitally important as the brain does not operate properly without them, and the effect on the frequent every day cause a decline in the level of the work of the body, as it will force the body to stop some of its functions on a temporary basis.

7. Lack of exercise physical exercises

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Sport the pros are enormous they give fitness and great for dramatically enjoyment of memorize the balance and development, as they assess of the cancer and maintain mental health.

8. Excessive smoking

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Usually very bad, why has his policies caused chemical damage to several cells of the body, especially the membranes of the cells of the brain.

9. Eating too much food

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Eating food greatly increases the weight to regard obesity, which raised the negative impact on the brain and its functioning properly.

10. I said drink water

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Lead told to drink water to dehydrated which damages the health of the liver and kidneys, and also cause weakness in the activity of cells of scalp, reduces the enjoyment of understanding and levels of intelligence.

11. Wind contaminated

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

Inhalation of wind pollutants cause damage in the brain as a result of his access to all of the members of the body, including the brain, according to the many studies showing that the incidence of Alzheimer's and dementia and atrophy of the brain be caused by dirt sports.

12. Stay for long periods in the darkness.

12 usually destroy the brain and hamper its functions, you know it

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The exposure to sun light is equivalent to a revision of the functions of the head was great. this is based on studies, stay in the darkness and lack of sun exposure cause slowness in the work of the brain.