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4 Wrong things we always do in the shower

4 Wrong things we always do in the shower

Bathing is usually healthy, but to ensure the maximum benefit of this habit, we must avoid some wrong habits that can cause some health problems, whether for the general body, or for the skin in particular, being directly concerned with the process of bathing, and among the habits to be disposed of.

4 Wrong things we always do in the shower

01 – Hot Water showers

Hot water helps to relax, but if the water is too hot, it may cause irritation to the skin, or it can cause dry skin.

Hot water removes natural oils from the scalp, causing damage.

02 – Perfume Products

Feeling refreshed and you smell beautiful after bathing is beautiful, but a lot of use of aromatic products is counterproductive, so that most of these aromatic products have chemical bases, so it may cause some damage to the skin especially if sensitive

03 – Keep The shower sponge for a long time

We usually use some tools to help us bathe and get rid of dead skin cells, after a time when the shower is transformed into a hotbed of bacteria and germs, so you should be using known types of antimicrobial resistance, making sure that they are easily cleaned, and cleaned well after each shower, taking care They are expected to be changed every two months, which is why they are basically cheaper.

This article can be followed up for more details on the same subject: Click here

04 – Towel Wrapped Hair

Most girls wrap the hair with a towel, to feel warm and try to get rid of excess water, but this behavior can cause the crust to appear in the head, and it is advisable to gently wipe the hair and then leave it exposed to air, and if you decide to use the hair dryer, it is advisable not to use the heat.