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Is the electric power moving wirelessly?

The electric power is transmitted wirelessly!

Yes, what I just read was not just a sexy title, it is the truth that seems to have been hidden from us all.

Is the electric power moving wirelessly?
Electric Power

The transmission of electric power wirelessly is one of the inventions that the influential and monopolists of world trade in general have not wanted to see and develop, as it has been suppressed, and most of the research that touched on this point has been forged and obliterated and has attempted to achieve this particular goal.

Some might ask, what's the difference?

Simply, it will push humanity for tens or hundreds of years forward. It will lead to a decline in poverty and hunger by enabling all regions of the world to communicate and establish different institutions (medical, scientific, commercial,... Etc).

Is the electric power moving wirelessly?
electric power

It would have contributed to the solution of many intractable problems, and all nations would be prosperous above the vast land that God created for him.

Through this research, I will try to shed light on this fact, and make it clear that the reality we are living today is controlled by major international companies through their local companies in every country, including electricity companies (our subject here), which still melt the various peoples of the world today, insisting on forcing us to pay high bills Too for electricity we can get it "semi-free" if not completely free.

At least in this technically prosperous age (technology) We are unaware of the electricity and its actual reality, and that there were those who could move them without wires about a century ago, before their inventions were suppressed and their research on them was obliterated to this day!

There was an important search for the physicist, the electrical engineer and the mechanical engineer (Nikola Tesla), about the possibility of transferring electric power tirelessly, which he already achieved, where he was able to send 100 volts of high-voltage electric power to 26 miles without the use of wires, 1899 and culminated The experiment was successful, it was said that a bank was supplied with electricity and an electric motor was lit in it, in addition to 200 bulbs (lamp).

There are many images scattered on the Internet about the facility built for this purpose, within a project that was classified by some that it was tricked Nicolas, where he gave up the idea of the whole invention of the general (John PowerPoint Morgan), which stopped the project later by withdrawing from it in 1906 for unknown reasons, and caused it to be completely obliterated, and said "as long as I can't put counters to regulate the sale of electric power to consumers, I don't want it. "

The following is an assumed picture of the form that the facility was:

Is the electric power moving wirelessly?
electric power

As it is spread on the net, this construction consists of columns wrapped in Bareback at a height of 200 feet (approx. 70 meters).

I do not know the truth of how to receive electricity in this way, but it is said that it is possible through an antenna (just as the TV signal captures), as this concept is transmitted like any other known waves such as radio waves. This is true because it explains the reasons for this invention and the marginalization of any research in this direction, as it cannot be imagined that the lobbies of the global economy will easily abandon a substantial source of income for them through their various companies (from those specializing in manufacturing – such as wires – and to those that provide different "electrical" services, most notably Delivery companies).

The mod us operand of this electricity will enable any individual or community to establish their own power generation centre and then send it on a limited scale, and will cause self-sufficiency for most countries whose internal and external trade is based on "traditional" energy sources based on oil, which, as we know, is controlled either because of its seizure ( Which is marketed to us it is limited... We will come up with a "limited" and "fossil" oil lie in a separate search (and the costs of extracting it as well as the licenses required for extraction and trading. On the one hand, and on the other hand because of the monopoly of selling it only in dollars, and imposing this fictitious currency on all nations because of their need for oil, the most prominent source of industrial and commercial energy (if you can) in the current era.

If humans can generate electricity and then send and receive it without the need for wires of any nature, and simply move them through the ether, it will be a quantum leap in people's lives, and will cause a complete and total change of life on the surface of the Earth. This change will often be positive and will cause the expansion, diversification and reproduction of global trade types and facets, in a non-monopoly manner, because of the inevitability of the new energy source of monopoly, which I see as worrying the people's finances.

In any case, this is an area worth researching. Any tangible progress in it would be a qualitative development and of great benefit.

And if we can (humans) one day — which seems to me soon — to send electricity without wired connections, it means that what happened with Nikola Tesla and other people on this subject, is a major "conspiracy" and an unforgivable crime, aimed at the enslavement of peoples through energy sources and the movement of the capital in the hands of those controlling Sources.

What I have mentioned above is not just a theoretical proposal based on historical events that may not have reached us fully and properly. But as we know, experience is the master of modern science. By experience, any theory can be dropped no matter what the owner does.

Here is a video explaining in practical and practical terms (empirically) how to "deliver electricity witlessly" and proves that this can happen:

Until then, we call on writers and researchers in a Gigantic flat site, especially the Flatland community in general, not only to try to read history and interpret the present. Rather, concrete research must be carried out in the various areas that have been deliberately obliterated — most likely — or accidentally and accidentally. May the reality of the world we live be revealed to us, and we can explain what we have not answered.