Alternative and renewable energy
If we want to talk about alternative and renewable energy, first we must talk about non-renewable energy as non-renewable sources of energy become a reality that we live with and this is a fact that we should not deny so we must talk about non-renewable energy to know why we must start to turn from it to the sources of energy And renewable.
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Alternative and renewable energy |
Non-renewable energy:
Nowadays, most of the energy we produce comes from fossil fuels, such as gas, coal, petroleum and fossil fuels, which are hydrocarbon compounds. If you look at it, you'll find a chemical that will consist of carbon, hydrogen, and these hydrocarbons when they burn with oxygen, producing a great deal of Energy that we can use in many applications that help us to complete the tasks of our modern life.
Fossil fuels are called this name because they are the result of the accumulation of dead plants and living organisms beneath the layers of the earth under high pressure over millions of years and when we say millions of years we mean more than 300 million years.
But the question: When did we start to worry about the end of these sources?
In fact, Augustin Mouchout has spoken of this since the beginning of the era of the Industrial revolution in Europe and wondered what after the depletion of fossil fuels, which we have gone too far and too much to use, inevitably to an inevitable end.
Not to mention what has happened in the environment of continuous contamination by toxic carbon gases and climate change, in fact we were very selfish and never looked at the right of future generations to live in a clean and healthy environment.
We would also like to express our rapid access to nuclear energy, as it has recently found a lot of people talking about it as the best solution to emerge from the current energy crisis and, in fact, at the same time that some in our country consider the key to surviving the energy crisis, most of the countries that relied on it as sucking A source of electric power generation is seriously considering getting rid of it and putting plans to abandon it in the coming years, which is because of the disadvantages that cannot be ignored I will not talk about nuclear radiation and I will not talk about the seriousness of technical problems in its operation but first you have to know that the nuclear power plant is a point of position It is clear to your enemy if you know that you will not be able to protect your station from any possible attacks from your enemy, you never create them because you create for yourself a weak point that you are indispensable secondly, the cost of producing electricity by nuclear power is not as cheap as some think it is and it needs to be followed very privately.
But if you say that fossil fuels will be drained as it pollutes the environment and cause major economic and political crises, nuclear energy is not a solution either... So what is the solution
Of course you know my answer, which I wrote this topic to talk about, which is the alternative and renewable energy that we will try to express all sorts of fast
Alternative and renewable energy:
If you look at the figure above, you will clearly find that renewable energy sources do not possess more than 7% of the amount of energy produced from all sources worldwide, as well as the types of alternative and renewable energies currently being used, each of which is the amount of alternative and renewable energy produced globally.
But what is alternative and renewable energy and why do we call it alternative energy or renewable energy?
Alternative energy is called the alternative to fossil fuels and is also renewable because it relies on renewable natural sources that are not implemented or have the potential to end one day as long as life, such as wind power, solar energy, and the energy produced from the watershed, the tide and the heat of the earth, continue. And other natural and renewable sources.
We live in an environment of energy, and nature works around us nonstop to give us huge amounts of alternative and renewable energy, which only a small fraction of which humans can use, the most powerful generators are the sun, and the watersheds alone can produce up to 80 hydropower capacity % Of the total energy consumed by humans.
Wind energy can produce twice as much electricity as water today, and if we use tidal energy to generate energy, we'll supply half of our energy needs.
However, despite the advantages of alternative and renewable energy, there are some difficulties in using them, which are not always available on demand, and require relatively large initial investments.
Alternative and renewable energy sources:
* Solar power:
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The main cause of the formation of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas, and the sun is the main cause of the wind movement on the surface of the planet, which is the reason for the evaporation of sea water and oceans to drop us rain afterwards and is the reason to keep the earth heat suitable to live in.
So we can say that solar energy is the primary source of energy on the surface of our planet, which is clean, renewable and free energy (no one can buy the sun and block it from the rest) and solar energy reaches us in two pictures only the first image is thermal energy with radiation and the second image is light energy and has Man has been able to devise some applications to make direct use of solar energy to meet his different needs to conform to the requirements of his age. And you can read more about solar energy uses in the theme "Solar energy uses "
Hydroelectric power :
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River--through a dam mostly. Hydro power has many advantages. It is known as renewable energy. Water-powered generators do not produce any emissions. The water flow-controlled by the plant-determines the amount of electricity produced, so energy can be provided on demand. About 20% of the world's electricity comes from this source. The leadership in the use of this type of energy is for the countries of Norway, Russia, China, the United States, Canada, and Brazil. The biggest example of this high dam is in Egypt.
* Wind power :
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Wind energy is one of the most important and evolving sources of alternative and renewable energy. In fact, it is one of the sons of Solar energy, as the wind movement is mainly caused by the heat of a part of the air when exposed to the sun, and the hot air begins to rise upward as a result of low intensity, leaving behind a lower pressure, and the less ambient air starts to move toward the low pressure area Thus, air currents occur.
Wind energy is the use of wind energy in any image, and in the past, wind energy has been used to run dhows, and it has been exploited to rotate the mills and can also be used to raise water, but the image now known to us when we hear the word wind energy is a turbine image The Triple-feather wind, fixed on long columns as in the image at the top, is used for electric power generation.
The process is that the wind manages the engine arms, which in turn manages the column cylinder connected by a gear set that forms a transmission to manage an electric generator. Large-scale turbines designed for enterprises producing electricity for public use can generate between 650 kw. Homes, remote communication stations and water pumps are being used to raise a small one, which is no more than 100 kw in production, especially in remote areas where there are no generating and distribution companies for public use.
We will have a special theme for wind energy to talk about extensively, God willing, given its importance as one of the most important sources of alternative and renewable energy.
geothermal energy
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Geothermal energy is an alternative and renewable energy source that many people do not know about.
It is known that the temperature is increasing as we dig deeper into the ground and we can provoke this phenomenon in what is known as the geothermal card.
Earth's underground energy uses natural phenomena such as hot springs and steam nozzles to produce electricity or to supply hot water to a region. The upward vapour to the surface of the Earth passes through the torbitons, which in turn generate electricity. The first underground power plant was established in Larderillo, Italy, in 1904. And still working today.
To know how important this type of station is, you should know that 24 countries are using these stations to have a total of 11224 MW of electrical power per year. This estimate is for the year 2012 and the share of each country in mega Watt is as follows: United States of America 3,187
Philippines 1,904
Mexico 958
Italy 883
New Zealand 768
Islanda 661
Japan 535
El Salvador 204
Kenya 202
Costa Rica 208
Nicaragua 124
Russia 82
Turkey 93
Papua New Guinea 56
Guatemala 52
Portugal 29
China 24
France 16
Ethiopia 7
Germany 7
Australia 1
Osteria 1
Thailand 0.3
Total Yearly: 11,224.3
Tidal power or Ocean Power :
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The tidal power plant is an alternative and renewable energy source and its operating principle is based on the exploitation of the energy generated by the flow of waves to and from a bay or river estuary.
You need to create a special type of dams (barrage) that separates the wave area into two upper and lower basins. The tank is moving when the water flows from time to basin, depending on the direction of the wave. This is a flood that drives the generator to produce electricity.
Creating a plant of this type is expensive so the plant must be producing enough energy to compensate for the value of the investment.
They can be constructed in areas where there is a difference of at least 5 amtarat at the water level between the root. There are only 40 sites in the world where these standards are available. The most famous tidal and root power plant is the Larance station in Brittany, France. The Annapolis Royal Station in Nova Scotia, Canada, also has other stations in Russia, China, India and Wales.
Hydrogen Fuel cells :
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Hydrogen fuel cells is one of the latest ways to get electric power and is considered a renewable and alternative energy source and is still under the fly so far and its applications are very wide where it can be a large level as power plants and can be a small level to rotate engines Cars or similar and many other applications.
The advantages of hydrogen fuel cells are very numerous since hydrogene interaction with oxygen produces heat, electricity, and water but without contamination. The Hydogen gas is very available and can be produced from a variety of sources, including fossil fuels and other renewable sources, so the gasoline is cheap.
Hydrogen fuel cells are more effective than any technology that includes turbines and are also more effective than internal combustion. But so far hydrogen fuel cell technology costs more than any other energy sources. The actual installation of temperature control systems is not yet known as hydrogen gas is an explosive gas that will require special safety factors and we must also make fuel cells of a usable size.
There are, of course, other alternative energy sources, such as biofuels and nuclear reactors, but they are not fully environmentally friendly, so I haven't talked about them. And, of course, renewable and alternative energy sources are constantly evolving, and at any moment we can discover other sources of energy.